Frequently asked questions

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What is Evidenza?

Evidenza is the world's first synthetic research platform. We help you make smarter, faster go-to-market decisions by interviewing and surveying AI-generated copies of your customers. Our platform delivers evidence-based sales and marketing plans swiftly, transforming the way businesses understand and interact with their markets. By leveraging advanced AI, Evidenza offers in-depth insights in hours, not months, enabling businesses to make informed decisions rapidly.

How can Evidenza boost my sales and marketing results?

Evidenza revolutionizes your planning by providing fast, accurate, and deep insights into customer behavior and preferences. Our synthetic research technology allows you to test and refine strategies in real-time, ensuring your marketing and sales plans are both effective and efficient. With Evidenza, you can anticipate market trends, understand customer needs, and tailor your approaches to meet those needs, significantly boosting your competitive edge.

What makes Evidenza's approach to market research innovative?

Evidenza is pioneering the application of synthetic research to marketing and sales, which generates highly detailed and dynamic profiles of your target audience without the need for traditional, time-consuming research methods. This approach not only accelerates the research process but also offers a level of flexibility and depth unmatched by conventional studies. You can adjust your research inputs with the click of a button and receive updated outputs in hours, enabling agile decision-making.

Why choose Evidenza over traditional market research?

Traditional market research is often slow, costly, and inflexible. Evidenza, on the other hand, provides insights much faster and more affordably, allowing for dynamic adjustments to your research criteria. This means you can iterate on your go-to-market strategy in hours rather than months. Evidenza also offers a real advantage in reaching hard-to-find populations such as CEOs, CIOs, CFOs, CMOs, etc —audience samples that are often prohibitively expensive or nearly impossible to access with traditional survey methods.

Who benefits from Evidenza’s services?

Evidenza is designed for businesses of all sizes across various industries looking to enhance their market research capabilities. We work with some of the largest Fortune 500 companies as well as startups. Marketing and sales teams, in particular, find immense value in our platform, as it offers actionable insights that drive strategic decisions. Whether you're in tech, healthcare, consumer goods, or any other sector, Evidenza can tailor its research to meet your specific needs.

How does Evidenza support various industries?

Evidenza's synthetic research platform is versatile and powerful, capable of generating targeted insights for a wide range of industries, both in B2C and B2B. Our clients span all sectors and industries. By creating synthetic copies of customers in any sector, from tech to healthcare, we provide precise and actionable data that helps businesses understand their market better, refine their product offerings, and craft more effective go-to-market strategies.


What is Synthetic Research?

Synthetic research represents a groundbreaking new field within artificial intelligence. It involves creating detailed, virtual models of real-world entities or processes to generate insights and data that are not directly observed but inferred from existing patterns and information.

Our innovative approach lets us collect detailed insights like a real focus group or survey would, but with the speed, scalability, and control of AI. By interacting with these synthetic personas, we gain a deep understanding of consumer behavior that traditional research methods struggle to achieve, enabling teams to make swift and strategic sales and marketing decisions.

What are "Synthetic Samples"?

Synthetic samples are AI-generated copies of your target audience that can be interviewed and surveyed to yield smarter, faster go-to-market insights.

Our proprietary method involves creating thousands of these AI-generated personas, each intricately modeled to reflect a brand’s actual customer base. Each persona is essentially a virtual person, complete with background details like a birthday and personal preferences. In addition, we layer on job title, company size, and company industry to extract detailed professional insights. These personas are not just data points; they are comprehensive AI agents that encapsulate the nuances of human behavior and professional needs.

To glean actionable and accurate research insights, we engage these personas in a manner akin to real-world research methods. For qualitative studies, we conduct interviews with these personas, diving deep into their thought processes, preferences, and reactions. Similarly, for quantitative research, these personas participate in surveys, providing responses that reflect their unique characteristics, backgrounds, and experiences.

All samples are custom, unique, and private to each client we work with.

How are these samples created?

Evidenza creates Synthetic Samples through an intricate process that begins with analyzing a brand’s target audiences and existing market research. Leveraging advanced AI and machine learning technology, we then generate detailed personas that encompass a wide array of customer attributes, from demographic details to personal needs and buying habits, ensuring each sample is a bespoke representation of the client's audience.

All samples are custom, unique, and private to each client we work with.

Is there academic or third party validation?

Synthetic research is a cutting-edge and rapidly growing field, with research institutes like Harvard, University of Pennsylvania, MIT, and Microsoft, among others, doing groundbreaking research. This innovative approach merges advanced AI with rigorous academic methodologies, helping to democratize advanced data analysis.

Our work to date has confirmed the remarkable promise of synthetic research. We have run a number of validity tests with clients comparing our synthetic research to traditional, human-based panel studies, and we've consistently seen strong similarity scores. This has not only validated our approach but also highlighted the potential of synthetic research to redefine market and sales research.

We are continuing to benchmark the correlation and overlap for different types of market research. We regularly work with clients to perform validity tests, and believe it's important to understand how these methods work for specific brands, industries, and research types.

Do I need to share any customer data or PII with Evidenza?

No. We don't ingest or receive any customer data or PII for our services.

The only data sharing necessary is a description of your target audience. Supporting data or past market research results can be helpful and many clients incorporate that into their studies, but they aren't necessary. We prioritize privacy and confidentiality and maintain NDAs with our managed clients.

How to engage

How can I start with Evidenza?

Starting with Evidenza is fast and easy. Simply reach out to see a custom demo of our platform. We'll then provide you with an immediate proposal tailored to your specific business challenges and needs. Our team will guide you through the process, from initial consultation to implementing our solutions.

How fast can I expect results?

Super fast: 72 hours or less. Our managed service is designed to deliver results within three days after the research commences, ensuring that you receive timely, actionable insights to drive your decision-making process.

What is included in an Evidenza engagement?

We provide a managed, white-glove service tailored to address your specific project or challenge. Our engagements are comprehensive, beginning with scoping your needs, fielding the research, and presenting the results. Here’s what you can expect:

- Custom Research Design: We start by designing research that is tailored to meet your specific objectives, ensuring every aspect of the project aligns with your goals.

- Synthetic Sample Creation: Our platform generates Synthetic Samples that accurately represent your target audience, providing a solid foundation for insightful analysis.

- Qualitative Interviews and Quantitative Surveys: Through both qualitative interviews and quantitative surveys, we gather a breadth of data to support our analysis and recommendations.

- In-depth Analysis: We dive deep into the data to unearth actionable insights, preparing you to make informed strategic decisions.

- Strategic Presentation: Our deliverables include a detailed presentation of research findings, complete with strategic recommendations tailored to your needs.

- Implementation Support: Beyond the presentation, we offer support for in-flight changes and can assist with the strategy’s implementation, ensuring you have the guidance needed to put insights into action.

- Financial Marketing Plan: We also include key financial metrics to help you defend your decisions, marrying research conclusions with a financial and marketing framing to help you get buy-in from other key stakeholders.

Our service is defined by its rapid turnaround, with results delivered in just 72 hours, ensuring you move quickly from insight to action. Our goal is to empower your go-to-market plan with evidence-based strategies, providing you with a competitive edge in your industry.

What are the pricing options?

Our pricing is customized based on the scope and complexity of your research needs. We offer premium, white-glove service packages that are designed to provide comprehensive support for your marketing and sales strategies. For detailed pricing, contact us directly to discuss your project and obtain a customized proposal. Book a demo today.

What customization options are available?

Evidenza offers extensive customization options to align with your unique research needs. From tailoring the Synthetic Samples and research questions to customizing the analysis and recommendations, our platform is designed to be flexible. We work closely with you to ensure that the research is scoped and executed to meet your specific objectives.

Even better, we allow for in-flight customization of surveys, samples, or overall project direction. Gone are the days of stressing over survey question wording or botched research due to sample errors. Evidenza is infinitely flexible.

Is there a self service offering?

While we currently specialize in managed, white-glove engagements, we are excited to announce that a self-service offering is on the product roadmap. This will allow clients to run their own research via our software platform, with features including 24/7 access, the ability to conduct both quantitative and qualitative research, and easy export of results to PowerPoint for presentation purposes. We encourage interested clients to join our waitlist for early access to this innovative service platform.

let's work together

Contact us today for a custom demo of our platform. Let us help you find the evidence you need to succeed

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