Research Articles

We've spent ten years partnering with leading experts to discover new and more profitable approaches to marketing and sales

Can AI Replace Humans for Market Research? This Firm Is Doing It

Startup Evidenza has more than one-dozen clients, including EY and ServiceNow

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The Click-Through Conspiracy

Why marketing can still work without perfect measurement

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Originality Delusion

Why if you want customers to like your new idea, you should make it seem like an old idea

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The Subprime Data Crisis

Why if marketers want better data, we need to work on shortening our supply chains.

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Impersonalization at Scale

Why we should embrace impersonalization – the path to simplicity, scale and success.

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Performance Branding

Why brand marketing – when practiced and measured properly – is the real “performance marketing.”

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B2B Edge: The Principles of B2B Marketing

Marketers need to follow five key principles in order to maximize the effectiveness of their B2B advertising campaigns

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Quantum Marketing

Why your marketing doesn't need to reflect reality for it to work

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B2B Trends: 2030

Contrarian ideas for the next decade

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How bad incentives ruin good marketing
Marketing Week

Targeting narrow segments, regularly changing creative and constantly optimising campaigns are all antithetical to growth, yet they’re exactly what marketers are incentivised to do.

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The 95:5 rule is the new 60:40 rule
Marketing Week

B2B marketers shouldn’t be spending time and money convincing out-of-market buyers to consider a purchase but instead invest in making every buyer remember their brand next time they need its product.

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The ‘Flippening’ will usher in a Golden Age of B2B marketing
Marketing Week

Brand marketing creates more financial value than short-term performance marketing – the sooner B2B marketers flip their perspective and start allocating budgets accordingly, the better it will be for everyone in B2B.

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‘Brain engine optimisation’ is the new search engine optimisation
Marketing Week

Brands – both B2B and B2C – should focus less on keywords and more on making themselves memorable at the point of the buying decision.

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This is the B2B century, and marketers will be the ones to lead it
Marketing Week

The history of marketing is synonymous with consumer brands, but now B2B is the key driver of economic growth and it will be marketers who build those businesses.

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The 99:1 rule: How to invest in a recession
Marketing Week

For B2B firms, investing in brand marketing is the best bet in good times, and it’s an even better bet in bad times when the pool of current buyers shrinks from 5% to 1%.

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Why We Need a New Formula for Creativity in B-to-B Advertising

Most ads are failing the likeability test, according to new research shared exclusively with Adweek

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Why Brand Assets Are So Important in B2B Marketing

And how to take them to the next level

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The ‘circles of doom’: Quantifying the misalignment of B2B marketing and sales
Marketing Week

Marketing can only generate an effective pipeline if it targets the same buyers as sales, but new research shows the overlap is often shockingly small.

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AI has the power to change B2B market research forever
Marketing Week

Many are talking of the ways AI will rip up the rulebook on creativity, but for B2B the biggest disruption AI will cause is to diagnosis.

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The law of brand user profiles: The sharpest nail in the coffin of hyper-targeting
Marketing Week

Data shows B2B brands, like B2C, generally serve the same customers, which demonstrates the wisdom of marketing to every buyer in your category.

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